st. albert indoor golf



Meet Cody Hancock

Cody is the co-owner of Ted Dancin’s Indoor Golf and the Head Teaching Professional at Sturgeon Valley Golf and Country Club. Book a lesson with him today to take your game to the next level!

Book Now
Cody Hancock
Head Teaching Professional
Website/Online Booking: codyhancockgolf.comEmail:

Private Coaching: $120 per hour

Semi-Private Coaching: $80 per person per hour

Colton Girard
Apprentice Professional

• 1 Private Lesson: $100

• 3 Private Lessons: $270

• 1 Private Junior Lesson: $70

• 3 Private Junior Lessons: $180

• 1 Semi-Private Lesson: $60 per person

Club Building
and repairs

Club Rentals

We offer left and right-handed golf clubs for rent at just $15 per session. Sizes range from 5-year-olds to adult men’s and ladies’. Kids 14 and under can rent clubs for free with their booking!

Track Ball Data

BALL OPTIX on our simulators simulators allow you track the following ball data:

Ball Speed
Side & Back Spin
Side Angle & Total
Launch Angle

Angle of Descent/Land Angle
Flight Time
Distance of Apex Carry
Run and Total Distance

Track Club Data

CLUB OPTIX on our simulators simulators allow you track the following club data:

Club Speed
Dynamic Loft
Angle of Attack
Smash Factor
Club Path
Club Face Angle

Club Face to Path
Club Lie Angle
Club Loft Angle
Impact Point Vertical
Impact Point Horizontal


We are a licensed facility, offering a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. We are proudly partnered with Endeavour Brewery, a local St.Albert brewery, carrying a variety of Pilsners, Ipa's, and specialty beer.
If you're Hungry, we have small snacks like chips, chocolates and beef Jerkey. Or  Feel free to order a pizza or Skip the dishes to our facility - just let the staff know which room you've ordered to!

Book a room online today

With our easy-to-use online booking system.

Book now